Book Review: This Is Your Brain on Stereotypes: How Science is Tackling Unconscious Bias by Tanya Lloyd Kyi and Drew Shannon

What is a stereotype and how can such a "simple" thought effect our entire way of thinking? Scientists show the power of assumptions, bias, stereotypes, and other thoughts that may seem harmless can play a big role in what we think and believe about the world and people around us.

"Offering historical context via such disparate examples as eugenics, Dr. Seuss, and the Rwandan genocide, Kyi illustrates “affective contagion,” emphasizing how leaders play a part in perpetuating stereotypes, and brings into the discussion the powerful role the media have in sustaining or diminishing stereotypes. She identifies the impacts of “stereotype threat,” when an individual is afraid of confirming someone’s stereotypes about them, and gives examples of how those in the position of power can offset it. After noting that an individual must be motivated to see their biases and wish to change, the book ends with concrete actions readers can take to begin rewiring their brains from the stereotypes they’ve internalized. A must-read primer for change." - Kirkus Review

Book Information:

Kyi, L. (2020). THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON STEREOTYPES: HOW SCIENCE IS TACKLING UNCONSCIOUS BIAS. Illustrated by Drew Shannon. Kids Can Press: United States. ISBN 9781525300165


Here are some activities from the Institute for Humane Learning to teach students more about unconscious bias.

What Next?

Snooze Fest: The Surprising Science of Sleep also by Tanya Lloyd Kyi.
